Call Auntie

Our Clinic runs every Wednesday

1-4 pm

By Appointment Only

Drop-ins for lunch and visiting and setting up an appointment are always welcome.

(437) 703 8703

Toronto Birth Centre

525 Dundas Street East, 2nd Floor *

Toronto, ON M5A 2B6

*elevator access and TTC accessible


Welcome to Call Auntie

Call Auntie is as an Indigenous-led interprofessional healthcare team to strengthen the wellbeing of the urban Indigenous community, celebrating Two-Spirit, non-binary, trans, and Afro-Indigenous relatives. 

We do this by working with community members and partners to facilitate low barrier, wrap around care, with a strong commitment to sexual and reproductive health justice and cultural safety. 

We are located in Tkarōn:to governed by the Dish With One Spoon Treaty


Feeding people is prenatal care.”

- Jay MacGillivray, Registered Midwife